Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Santa Superstitions

Many of us are greatly influenced by superstitions and accumulate a few welcome as our beliefs throughout our life. Our festivals too are governed by many interesting superstitions. The Christmas Superstitions are The Christmas table was always set for an even number of guests for odd numbers were considered to bring bad luck. The first person to wake up on Christmas would shout into the street “Old Father Christmas “. Three sips of salted water before Christmas dinner was said to bring good luck. A pot of honey on the table was though to be protection against evil. All the pets were fed after dinner, so as not to leave any living thing hungry on Christmas Eve. Singing Carols other than at Christmas is considered to be bad luck. If you do not give a present on Christmas Eve, prosperity will leave you! These superstitions are really interesting and different to make us to celebrate an eventful 
and a happy Christmas.


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Save the Environment

The world is not enough- One would have heard this line made famous by the James Bond movie of the same name. But today, this has become a reality- the burgeoning human population has created such a situation. The resulting demands made on the earth's resources have taken its toll, and the environment has taken a beating. Forests are being wiped out, several species have gone extinct and are on the verge of becoming so, the world's climate and weather patterns are changing rapidly, and so on. At this rate, the damage done could be irreversible.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Religion a boon or bane

Religion is a set of concepts and very strong beliefs that have been engrained since a tender age. Alongside, we have been fed constantly that people of diff religions are set to ridicule our religious concepts and HARM 'your' people. When there is an 'attack' against your religion in terms of actual killing or ridiculing your beliefs, it sets a deep unrest - a deep sense of insecurity. Insecurity for your life, insecurity regarding the concepts that you have lived by, and may be, will die for it. No wonder people are so upset and angered when their religion comes under any form of threat, that they will forget the principles of their own religion and resort to impulsive acts. In addition, no wonder why it is so easy to mislead people in the name of religion.That religion has been both a boon and a bane.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Lateral and Critical Thinking

Techniques that apply lateral thinking to problems are characterized by the shifting of lateral thinking patterns, away from entrenched or predictable thinking to new or unexpected ideas. A new idea that is the result of lateral thinking is not always a helpful one, but when a good idea is discovered in this way it is usually obvious in hindsight, which is a feature lateral thinking shares with a joke. Lateral thinking can be used to help in solving problems but can also be used for much more. Critical thinking is primarily concerned with judging the truth-value of statements and seeking errors. Lateral thinking is more concerned with the movement value of statements and ideas. A person would use lateral thinking when they want to move from one known idea to creating new ideas.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Growth of Depression

Take care of yourself.Make sure you're eating well and getting physical activity.Don' t let depression lower your motivation.Try not to isolate.Keep in contact with friends,force yourself to call those who care about you.if you don't want to go out to meet friends invite them over.Make yourself look at the positive side of life .Try writing down things that are positive or that makes you happy . Try to regulate your sleep.if you are sleeping too much set a bed time and wake time try to stick it everyday.Make small manageable goals everyday and reward yourself for them.Try re-arranging the room.Shifting things will use your thoughts in a positive way and divert your mind from negative thoughts.If you have a passion to explore do it. Just don't take the known route.Go out of it and explore in its literary sense.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Stray Animals

Do you fee stray animals or birds in your city or town? I have no objection against people who do so, though a lot of them , i feel do so in order to be in God's good books if you know what i mean. Or, if they have a favor to ask of him or her for example,I've seen lawyers from the courts nearby hike up the ridge with bananas in one hand - for the monkeys and case file in the other.....Some of course are worse,they'll set free cageful of rare and endangered birds and they think they're doing good work,this only increases the demand for the capture of these birds by trappers.But basically I make it a point not to feed strays-even though so many of them are so pathetically skinny. My main reason is that i don't want them to become dependent on me or my handouts. feed a dog or even a cat once, and you can be sure that the next time it sees you it'll come running up wagging its tail or mewing hopefully,Of course,if you continue to do so, then you'll be trapped. Yo won't ever be able to stop doing this and before you know it this will become a lifetime routine.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The ethics of technology

I do believe that technology is not killing ethics. It depends on person how they are using this. For example we can take Orkut: This is website where we can share our views, we can get information about various fields, and we can be in touch with friends. Cell phone: who is not benefited with this? It has changed our life, made easier our life. Media: If you are blaming media then one should not forgot that it was media who gave light in Mumbai molestation case only after that police initiated. Internet: Now youth can not imagine their career without this. Whatever you want you can know through this.