Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mathematics for animals

Asian elephants can do mathematics, and have proved their sills in addition. It was conducted by the Japanese based on their favorite food. One elephant was 87 % correct and the other was 69 % perfect. The elephants were trained on single digit addition by the University of Tokyo. In one test, researchers dropped three apples into one bucket and five into another bucket and then added two apples to each. Five times out of six, a female elephant chose the bucket with seven apples rather than five although she would not see or feel the inside of the containers. Thus it has been established that the giants do know the basic math.The same was tried with many other animals. All were able to choose the bigger of two numbers. Their performances however, usually decline if the numbers are big or the gap between two numbers is small.This stands as a testimony for all living beings do have some reasoning and thinking capabilities. It gets improved upon constant training and usage.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pollution all the way

Our clean environment is becoming mixed with unwanted anthropogenic toxic pollutants of wide varieties.We are breathing in the air, drinking water and feeding on crops grown on soils that's not as healthy as in previous year. But unfortunately nothing we contribute to stop or minimize. So lets all first fix a programme where in people join hands at village or regional level. form clubs to check the local sources. Then form an active committee on behalf of the local club or associateship, to solve the problems in suit (then and there). The problem may be related to non-availability of pure water, lack of proper action by the governing authorities, exharbant usage of pesticides etc and show some alternatives foirst educate the real people or group of industries that pollute or bring some experts in to the action ultimately to curb the pollution problem or show some practically possible remedies. Also involve local colleges, teaching faculties and even professionals or scientists or NGOs in to the act of curbing local problem


Saturday, November 9, 2013

The reptilopedia

Hey people have you ever seen some reptiles changing its color? We would have wondered over the bright colors they have and for what reason? .Most reptiles have skin color that makes them merge into their surroundings. They become near invisible unless you look very closely and they are visible among the green leaves or brown earth .But some reptiles such as sea snakes, coral snakes and frogs of Central and South America are brilliantly colored or have bright band like yellow, orange, pink on their bodies. Bright colors of the reptiles act as a warning to avoid waiting them. It is interesting that similar bright colored patterns have been developed over the centuries by many non-poisonous animals too as survival mechanism to fool predators avoid attacking these brilliant colored animals, thinking of them as poisonous, these animals too escape getting killed. Thus in spite of these mechanisms those creatures are in extinction and this is the right time to act upon and Save these valuable assets of Mother Nature!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Most of us say that cooking is an easy task.But its not so.People do think that it needs the same procedure to carry or to prepare most of the dishes.Cooking is an art I would say, because to prepare delicious dishes we need that patience.Of course we like to all delicious dishes at all cost.Most of the people have mastered the art of preparing good and delicious dishes at the same time it needs to be healthy also.