Saturday, November 9, 2013

The reptilopedia

Hey people have you ever seen some reptiles changing its color? We would have wondered over the bright colors they have and for what reason? .Most reptiles have skin color that makes them merge into their surroundings. They become near invisible unless you look very closely and they are visible among the green leaves or brown earth .But some reptiles such as sea snakes, coral snakes and frogs of Central and South America are brilliantly colored or have bright band like yellow, orange, pink on their bodies. Bright colors of the reptiles act as a warning to avoid waiting them. It is interesting that similar bright colored patterns have been developed over the centuries by many non-poisonous animals too as survival mechanism to fool predators avoid attacking these brilliant colored animals, thinking of them as poisonous, these animals too escape getting killed. Thus in spite of these mechanisms those creatures are in extinction and this is the right time to act upon and Save these valuable assets of Mother Nature!!!!!!!


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